or "the empty stage as an assertion of the world"

Premiere on February 2nd 20424, at Halle G, Tanzquartier, Vienna

In MANIFESTATIONS, Marta Navaridas further develops the artistic strategies applied in her previous work STOMACH (premiered at TQW Studios in 2022), in which she translated olfactory and gustatory experiences to the stage. In preparing for MANIFESTATIONS, the performers went through sight deprivation, smell overstimulation, fear-inducing night walks, virtual reality escape rooms, experimental eating sessions and rollercoaster rides. Their spontaneous verbal reactions were recorded and will be in-ear audio-prompted back to them, so they can mimic their own reactions and activate them on stage for the audience. Navaridas playfully blends the authenticity of lived experiences with the make-believe situation of the theatre, looking for fake realities in real fakeness.


25, 26 May 2024 @ DramatikerInnen Festival Graz

2, 3 February 2024 @ Tanzquartier Vienna (Premiere)

Concept and Direction Marta Navaridas Text and Performance Alexandru Cosarca, Beatriz Frey, Alex Deutinger/Alice Peterhans, Julia Franz Richter, Alex Zehetbauer Live Electronics and Sound Design Manuel Riegler Costumes and Objects Annemarie Arzberger Stage Design Georg Klüver-Pfandtner Light Design Bruno Porcheron Outside Eyes Lau Lukkarila, Frans Poelstra Production Management Sophie Schmeiser/mollusca productions Production PERFORMANCEINITIATIVE 22, Tanzquartier Wien Supported by Kultur Stadt Graz, Land Steiermark, Bmkös, Studio 8 Gries, Tanzhaus Zürich, ACT OUT

Photos Kati Göttfried

Video Documentation Kevin Ferdinandus, Manuel Carreon Lopez / Kunst dokumentation